
How Using UV Lights in Your HVAC System Kills Viruses

The sun produces three varieties of ultraviolet (UV) light: UVA, UVB and UVC. You are likely most familiar with UVA and UVB rays, which can cause sunburn unless you wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen. UVC rays are distinct. The sun still creates them, but the earth’s ozone layer soaks up all UVC rays, so you don’t experience them in nature.

UVC light provides exceptional germicidal benefits. In fact, it has been used as a sterilization method for many years. As the highest energy portion of the UV radiation spectrum, UVC light helps eradicate microorganisms like bacteria, algae and fungi in under 10 seconds of contact. When placed in your HVAC system, germicidal UV lights could drastically boost your indoor air quality.

How Do HVAC UV Lights Work?

Ultraviolet lamps are installed within your ductwork, where they work constantly. Air blows past the lights when the furnace or air conditioner runs, and intense UVC rays inactivate and neutralize nearly all viruses, bacteria or mold found in the air. Inactivated microorganisms cannot reproduce and die briefly after UVC exposure.

5 Pluses of Using UV Lights in Your HVAC System

With other forms of air cleaning available, why should you consider putting a UV light in your HVAC system? Think about these advantages:

1. Sterilized Coils

The evaporator coil in your HVAC system is frequently moist, namely when it’s hot. By constantly shining UVC light on the coil, mold and bacteria will struggle to flourish.

2. Healthier Indoor Air

Media air filters can catch the smaller bacteria and viruses. UV lights reduce the number of microorganisms in the air without reducing airflow.

3. Enhanced Efficiency

By maintaining normal airflow and keeping the equipment cleaner, UV lights help your HVAC system function more easily. This, in turn, reduces your energy costs every month.

4. Extended HVAC Lifetime

Clean equipment works more smoothly and breaks down less regularly. It can even run years longer.

5. Lower Chance of Condensate Drain Line Clogs

Air conditioners and high-efficiency furnaces generate condensate, which flows away from a nearby pipe. As the years go by, algae can block the drain line. By stopping organic growth at the beginning, UVC lights minimize the risk of water damage from an overflowing condensate drain pan.

Who Should Have Germicidal UV Lights?

When you think about all the advantages they provide your HVAC system, UV lights could clearly prove helpful in any home. You are more likely to appreciate having HVAC UV lights if you or anyone in your household has:

    • Allergies
    • Asthma
    • Any respiratory condition
    • Weaker immune system

If you’re thinking about installing germicidal UV lights, discuss it with Service Experts Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing. We can recommend the perfect system based on your HVAC equipment and indoor air quality needs. It’s important to leave UV light installation and maintenance to a trained technician as UVC exposure can lead to skin or eye injuries. To discover about how UV lights function, or to request a free home comfort consultation, call us at 866-397-3787 now!

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